Social Creative Conversations
Social Creative Conversations
Coach Mindy Lee : Mindset Habits
We are speaking with Coach Mindy Lee Irvine about fueling our Mind, Body & Spirit. Each of us has our own journey with body positivity and esteem. Sometimes there is struggle, sometimes there is confidence. This is part 2 of a 2 part series, (See Episode 33 for lessons on fueling our bodies and making the right healthy lifestyle decisions for you). Today's conversation focus is on fueling our mind and cultivating our mindset health.
Coach Mindy is a Nutrition, Mindset and Self Development coach focusing on helping women learn to fuel their bodies, achieve their goals and find health and fitness for all the areas of their lives. This can include nutrition, mindset and personal coaching.
In this episode we discuss mind training tools available to us, how we make better tracks or "folds" for healthier neuropathways, and good habits for combating negative thoughts or self sabotage. Mindy walks us through real examples and scenarios of taking control of our thoughts when faced with anxiety or stressful situations (4 f's: fight, flight, freeze, fawn). She finishes our conversation asking us to identify our own anchor statement of truth.
Coach Mindy Lee : @coachmindylee , mindyleeirvine@gmail.com
Emotional Agility
Positive Intelligence: http://positiveintelligence.com
You Tube : How to Heal Trauma & Destroy Negative Thoughts (Dr Rahul Jandial)
Coach Mindy will be joining us with further tips and teaching at our Freedom Movement event on May 7. If you are local to Seattle, I highly encourage you to come.
Register Here: Freedom Movement
Freedom Movement is an annual, progressive experience featuring movement, connection, silent disco, and support of local makers. It speaks to the heart of women needing to renew, reset, and remind themselves of the vigor and beauty they hold on their interior and exterior. Our experience celebrates freedom and beauty found in all women. We boldly embrace vulnerable, brave steps toward whole-self confidence and body confidence.
Social Creative Workshops | Social Creative Conversations Podcast
Amy Vallejo | founder, co-collaborator