Social Creative Conversations

Honest Conversations with Mimi Jung : Life, Discrimination, and Transformation (pt 3 of 3)

Amy Vallejo / Mimi Jung Season 1 Episode 16

Welcome to our 3 part series with Mimi Jung.  This is an honest conversation about life on screen, life as an Asian American woman, life transformations, life as a working mom, life as someone who found her voice to speak out and stand against discrimination-even within her own culture.   I hope you will carve out time to listen to all 3 episodes.

Mimi Jung is the award winning journalist & news anchor you've seen on your screens every morning on King 5 for the last 21 years.   Her job, as she shares, is to tell stories-of the community, the people, the businesses, the world.

Today is our final conversation and we listen in as she shares her own experiences with Asian hate crimes, inequity, assimilation into a culture,  discrimination, the awakening and awareness that is stirring within communities, and her own brave efforts for changing to script and re-writing the future for herself, her kids and her culture.    We are nearing the anniversary of George Floyd's tragic death, and reflect on a year of deep pain, the awakening that occurred and the transformational journey we have all been on.  Discrimination, racism, and inequity have always been here. However,  just now some of us are finally seeing its deep scarring and severity and having real conversations as to our part in it.

I hope these dialogue have inspired your own conversations, and continue to prompt uncomfortable and fruitful exchanges within your own spheres.   Let's learn, grow, speak up, speak out and experience transformational change together.

Hear the full story in Episode 14  (part 1 of 3) & 15 ( 2 of 3 ) .

Follow Mimi Jung on social media :
Instagram - @mimijungking5

Watch Mimi Jung report :
King 5 broadcast: King 5 News Channel 5 4:30 am-7:00 am
About Mimi
"Facing Race" news feature with Mimi Jung

Social Creative Workshops | Social Creative Conversations Podcast
Amy Vallejo | founder, co-collaborator